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December 31, 2022

Jeremiah 1:4-5

  1. Our birth is intentional; we are not an accident.
    a. Jeremiah 1:5 b. Isaiah 49:1 c. Psalm 139:13-16 d. John 1:6

In Luke chapter two we read the angel, Gabriel, was dispatched to two different people with the message a son would be born to them. Gabriel visited a priest named Zecharias and, of course, the mother of our LORD Jesus, Mary. There are others, though, who were notified they would have a son. Abraham (Genesis 18:10), Zorah’s wife regarding the birth of Samson (Judges 13:2-5), and the Shunammite’s son (2nd Kings 4:14-17) are some who were told in advance they would have a son. Lest we think only males are born intentionally, I remind you of Esther who was born for the specific purpose (Esther 4:13-15) to save her people. The most recent number for the population of the world is 8,001,704,091 (8.0017 billion) according to an internet source for the first part of December 2022. Every single one of these souls living on the planet were born intentionally, according to the sovereign plans of the Living God. God’s sovereignty is indisputable (Isaiah 46:9-10) whether anyone believes it or not. This is the first problem with abortion. God doesn’t make anyone by accident. Abortion interferes with the plans of God; our free-will notwithstanding. Even though, sometimes, circumstances that surround conception are not always “perfect” it doesn’t change the fact that God doesn’t make mistakes. There are no “oops!” moments with The MOST HIGH. The LORD Jesus specifically said the very hairs of our head are numbered (Matthew 10:30). That is how intimately our God is involved with us. As a matter of fact according to Dr. Robert O. Young (DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner), and other sources, God’s very name is in our DNA, repeatedly, on every strand. That is one reason the enemy wants to alter human DNA. The fact God’s Name is in our DNA also disputes the lie that humans, somehow, crawled out of primordial ooze as ape-like creatures who, somehow, “evolved” into human beings. *Why is it, do you think, the stupider the lie the faster humanity will believe it? Furthermore, there is a substance contained in each and every cell called laminin. Laminin is a protein that is part of the extracellular matrix in humans, and animals. Laminin has “arms” (which makes it in the shape of a cross) that associate with other laminin molecules to form sheets and bind to cells. Laminin is essentially “glue” that binds cells (such as those lining the stomach and intestines) to a foundation of connective tissue. This keeps cells in place and allows them to function the way they’re intended to. Some don’t believe the shape is intentional, and call it a “t”. Whatever. Our God is in every minute detail of His creation. Since the hair on our head is numbered, and God calls each and every star, in every galaxy, by name (Psalm 147:4-5), has infinite understanding, and nothing is random with Him we can trust that this “coincidence” is not a coincidence. Laminin will take on other shapes besides a cross, and, we don’t need any evidence to prove our Creator to us. However, Colossians 1:12-17 tells us the LORD Jesus created all things, and by Him all things hold together. The verbiage in the cannon of scripture is not an accident either (this is one reason why there are so many translations-so the enemy can fool people and attempt to change what God said-but the Hebrew and Greek cannot be changed). There are, of course, scoffers and naysayers who will argue till they’re blue in the face. But the miracles of creation, and the magnificence of our God in His intentional design, are not for them. His Highness is for us. It was only recently that DNA and laminin was discovered anyway. But they both have been there, all along. No indeed, we are no accident.

  1. We’re born for a specific purpose.
    a. Jeremiah 1:5 b. Judges 13:5 c. Luke 1:13-17

Jeremiah 29:11 informs us that God has plans for us. Clearly, according to the scriptures, His plans for us are specific. It’s said, apart from the day of our salvation, the most important day of our life is when we find out why we were born. There have been some who always knew why they were born. Samson knew why he was born, and what he was to do for God as is evidenced by his supernatural strength. His parents assuredly told him their angelic experience with the announcement of his birth, what the angel said to his mother, the rules by which he was to live, and what he was to do. The life of Samson is yet more evidence of the sovereignty of God, and shows us just how God uses our wrong, bad and sinful choices to accomplish His will. Samson’s life is a study in how not to live for believers, though. Samson was flawed, and sinful, but God used him anyway. Samson accomplished God’s will for his life the hard way, and it cost him greatly. Judges chapters 13-16 detail the rocky road Samson traveled as a result of his choices. But these chapters also detail the grace, compassion, mercy and forgiveness of our God. Samson chose to marry a Philistine woman, but God used it against the Philistines (Judges 14:1-4). Through a series of events designed to hurt Samson, the woman was given to Samson’s best man. Everything surrounding this marriage was bad and included deceit, arson, murder and theft. As if those things weren’t enough of a lesson, Samson fell for another unbeliever; an evil woman named Delilah. Though Samson’s wife deceived him out of fear (Judges 14:15), Delilah did so out of greed (Judges 16:5). Samson was humbled, but God used Samson as He always intended to do (Isaiah 46:8-10, Romans 11:29). Samson, with all his faults, bad choices, rebellion and sin, is listed in the “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11 (vs 32). Of course, there are some believers who “get it right”. John the Baptist is one such believer. John was born to elderly parents. Dr. Adrian Rogers used to say that timing is more important to God than time. Gabriel was dispatched to appear to Zecharias when he was performing the most coveted priestly role; to burn incense to the LORD. This job was so coveted that King Uzziah was smitten with leprosy for taking it upon himself (2 Chronicles 26:16-21). This was, literally, a once in a lifetime opportunity for a priest. “The Talmud states the priest who obtained the right to perform this high duty was not permitted to draw the lot a second time in the same week, and as the whole number of priests at this time was very large – some say even as many as twenty thousand – Farrar conjectures that it would never happen to the same priest twice in his lifetime to enter that sacred spot.” And this was the exact time Gabriel was dispatched to Zecharias. Because Zecharias and Elizabeth were advanced in age, when Gabriel told him they would have a son, and to name him “John”, Zecharias didn’t believe the angel. That insulted, and offended, Gabriel to the point he struck Zecharias dumb (Luke 1:18-20). Zecharias could not speak until the baby was born, and he wrote to name the baby John (Luke 1:57-64). It is a certainty, John the Baptist was also informed of his “job”. You also might find it interesting, that the LORD Jesus and John the Baptist were 2nd cousins (Luke 1:36-37). John the Baptist “got it right” with his life and purpose. Look at what the LORD Jesus said about him in Luke 7:28; which brings me to our next point.

  1. God knows us intimately, and loves us anyway.
    a. Jeremiah 1:5a b. Psalm 139:2-4 c. Luke 12:7 d. 2nd Timothy 2:19

If the fact that God knows the number of hair on our head isn’t enough evidence of just how intimately God knows us, we can go to Romans 8:29. (By the way, this simply means God knew in advance who would ask Him to save them. God wants all to be saved 2nd Peter 3:9.) And if that isn’t enough evidence, turn to 1st Corinthians 2:16. Clearly, the Bible is replete with scriptural evidence of the intimacy of God with us. It’s much deeper, though. Take a look at Exodus 33:11. This is speaking of the intimacy of the relationship our God had with Moses. Abraham is also called the friend of God (Isaiah 41:8, James 2:23). We who believe are called to relationship; an intimate relationship with the Living God. This relationship is a family relationship according to John 1:12, Romans 8:15-17, Galatians 3:26, Ephesians 1:5 and other scriptures. In the Old Testament Israel was pictured as married to the LORD (Jeremiah 3:14). We in the Church age are the bride of Christ (Revelation 19:7-9) and have God as Father. The Hebrew word for “knew” in Jeremiah 1:5 is the word yadha. The definition is “…understand…know…to be known…” Yadha is used to describe sexual familiarity, which is the most intimate relationship people can have. God knows us on the most personal level. The fact that our relationship with Him is so personal, and mirrors a marriage, should speak volumes to us. This is the close relationship the LORD desires with us, and offers to us. Ponder that for just a moment. An intimate, personal relationship with the Living God, the Creator, is ours for the asking (Romans 10:13). We can know the One who said, “Let there be light”, and light appeared (Genesis 1:3). We can laugh with the One who stills storms (Mark 4:36-41), and we can confide in the One who raises the dead (John 11:43-44). The LORD tells us to “glory” (boast) in the fact we know Him (Jeremiah 9:23-24, 2nd Corinithians 10:17). John 3:16 is the reason we know God cares about us; for God so loved the world… 1st John 4:8 and 16 tell us God is love. We love Him because He first loved us (1st John 4:19).*Do you know this love? *Do you know Him?

Lani Rinkel

Global population as of December 2022-

God’s Name on human DNA:

Facts on laminin:

Priestly rotation:

Dr. Adrian Rogers:

Hebrew definition: The Complete Word Study Old Testament
AMG Publishers

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